( BalticScore | Downloads


Installation files, release-notes and installation instructions can be downloaded from here.

In some cases we do not create a complete version of the software, e.g. minor bug fixes. Please use the update function of the help-menu after an installation.

The installation files contain a demo license file supporting the included disciplines as well as the judges module. It is limited to 20 gymnasts per event. The use of a proper license file releases the according disciplines, no. of gymnasts and licensed functions.


Release-Notes (BalticScore_ReleaseNotes_5_english.pdf) (31 Oktober 2023)

Installation instructions (BalticScore_Installation_5_english.pdf) (11 February 2023)

Windows 10 64-Bit (BalticScore-windows-5.2.2.zip) (27 August 2023)

Linux 64-Bit (BalticScore-linux-5.2.2.zip) (27 August 2023)