( BalticScore | Data security

Data security

We care about your personal data. To make the use of data transparent we like to declare how we store data when someone is visiting our web site and how they will be kept. Personal data are data related to a person, e.g. name, address, telephone number and IP-address.

Contact form

On our web site there is a form to get in contact with us, e.g. to ask questions about our software or to report errors. We will store your e-mail-address for the current communication only. As soon as the question has been clearified or on special request the e-mail-adress will be deleted.


If you are interested in the most recent news about BalticScore you can request our newsletter by sending an e-mail to mailto:newsletter@balticscore.de. The request should look this: "I give BalticScore GbR the permission to send information about there software via e-mail. I am aware that I can revoke this permission any time by sending a request to mailto:newsletter@balticscore.de."


After accessing our web site your IP-adresses will be stored by our provider for the maximum of seven days. This will take place for data security reasons, stablity and operations security. Personal data will not be evaluated. Evaluation of anonymous data might take place.


Our web site does not use cookies.